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Women in Print Breakfast Series 2022 – Visual Identity concepts

Think Differently

Women in Print’s Breakfast Series focussed on ‘learning how to think differently’ with key note speaker, Lisa Smith, as the headliner for the May 2022 series. The speaking series focussed on empowering women to approach challenges in a different way, by unlocking their innate creativity to solve complex problems simply. 

Three concepts was pitched to the client, with each identity quite different from the other. Concept 1 focussed on working women, Concept 2 was based on camaraderie, and Concept 3 was about female symbolisms. The committee in charge of the series selected Concept 2 which was rolled out nationally across Brisbane, Adelaide, Perth, Sydney and Melbourne. 


Women in Print 

Women in Print is a not-for-profit industry collaboration of women across the print media sector across Australia. The independent industry representative body, offers opportunities for women to benefit from Community, Knowledge, Network and Support programs.