Branding – Craft Beer
Kinns Ale Brewing Company
Develop a product name for a craft beer that suits the boutique nature of the beer, the traditional methods by which it is brewed so it will appeal to the beer’s target audience.
To answer the hypothetical brief, a traditional looking brand identity was created to pay homage to the Scottish heritage of the company and its product, the traditional Scottish stout beer.
Inspiration for the featured motif came from a photograph taken of a castle in the UK. Pairing a historical castle against a traditional brown bottle projected authenticity and appealed to an older and more sophisticated drinker.
The name for the particular copper ale is named after Stornoway, a town on the Isle of Lewis in the Outer Hebrides of Scotland.
Labels with a different treatment of the hero image were also created to represent the range of beers offered by the brand. An example is shown below:
An alternate label is seen below which includes a rounded background to properly frame the hero image while providing more of a contrast to the green label.